



Physiotherapy Programs in Copenhagen

Physiotherapy and massage at work

Based on several years of experience working with companies, I notice that many people struggle with problems such as stress, pain in the neck and in the lower back, muscle tension associated with modern working life.


My own experience shows that physiotherapy treatments can solve many of these problems at work. Physiotherapy and massage have been shown to give greater productivity and less sick leave, as well as greater appreciation of the workplace for the individual employee.


That is why I offer a program that includes both physiotherapy and massage for companies with the aim of preventing and dealing with any problems for company employees and ensuring well-being during the working day.

Financing models
Joint financing

Here the employees themselves pay a share of the treatment and it is up to the employer how much the employees must pay. This can increase employees’ ownership of the treatment, while at the same time reducing the cost of the company. The expenses incurred by the company as a result of a common financing model are tax deductible.

Absence from treatment result in fee 250kr /30min

100% Employee

The company allows the employee to use time for treatment during working hours. The employee covers treatment 100%. The cost of the scheme is not deductible for the company.

Absence from treatment result in fee 250kr /30min

100% Company

Company chooses to provide employees with the treatment scheme free of charge. The cost of the scheme is fully deductible for the company.

Employee failing from treatment entails company fee 250kr / 30min

Ergonomisk gennemgang

Både fysisk arbejde og siddearbejde kan medføre alvorlig smerte i kroppen. Derfor er det meget vigtigt at sidde foran computeren så ergometrisk som muligt og vide, hvordan man opfører sig, når smerter kommer. Inden for kontorarbejde kan en ergonomisk gennemgang lette belastende arbejdsstillinger ved computer. Vi rådgiver ud fra det eksisterende møblement og inventar

For at kunne give en optimal, individuel rådgivning er vi nødt til at se medarbejderen i arbejde. Det er medarbejderen, der skal lave arbejdet, efter at vi har været der. Derfor koncentrerer vi os om, at de vigtigste ændringer, som medarbejderen skal gennemføre på kontorarbejdspladsen, bliver beskrevet i en individuel handlingsplan. I løbet af ca. 30min ergoterapeut vil forklare teorien og årsagssammenhænge mellem krop og belastninger, så medarbejderne forstår og kan se logikken i den vejledning.

Emner i ergonomisk gennemgang:
  • Indretning af arbejdspladsen
  • Korrekt anvendelse af mus
  • Fokus på siddestillinger
  • Undervisningi relevante øvelser i forbindelse med arbejde ved pc
  • Viden om anatomi og sammenhænge
  • Individuel handlingsplan

BeActive 55+

BeActive55+ is a program created for elderly people who would like to spend time actively among people of their own age.

The program focuses on general development gymnastics that improve the overall body condition. We focus on the flexibility of the joints, strengthen the surrounding muscles and improve the body’s blood supply.

After one hour of gymnastics it’s time for coffee, snacks and to develop its artistic and manual skills, for example. through drawing, crochet, découpage, painting and much more. There is also the possibility to go to the cinema, theater and other interesting cultural events according to the tastes and wishes of the participants. The main benefit of this program is that it is under the supervision of a physiotherapist, therefore there is the possibility of counseling in case of health problems.

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